Enabling the protein era

Replacing a 100 year old method

One Platform to conquer all.

We partner with other companies to: A) create new products and B) manufacture them.

Our universal platform technology enables cell-free protein expression to generate synthetic proteins at the highest yields and purity. This platform combines cutting-edge advances in protein engineering, gene expression, and biomanufacturing, allowing us to create entirely novel proteins with unique mechanisms of action and manufacture them at scale.

By utilizing an in vitro approach, we can rapidly prototype and optimize proteins, whether they are designed for human therapeutics, industrial applications, or vaccines. Our technology also supports phage development, enabling the creation of innovative antibacterial solutions, and extends to antibody engineering to tackle complex diseases.

While our primary focus is on human therapeutics, we have collaborated on industrial use cases as well. We currently employ prokaryotic cell-free protein expression systems and are advancing our technology to eukaryotic cell-free protein expression systems.

Our specialties are: phages, tailocins, endolysins, neoantigens, vaccines, antibodies, and toxic proteins (e.g., nucleases and proteases).

Our industries are: human health, agriculture, animal health, food, and industrial chemistry.

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